"The Joy of Living"

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Siena's First Halloween

It is CRAZY how fast time is flying. Halloween has come and gone and I have started hearing Christmas music in stores. Siena got to experience her first Halloween, and even though she didn't really understand what was going on, she was great the whole time we went trick-or-treating and she LOVED chewing on the wrappers of her candy after. As I mentioned before, her banana costume was too small for her, but we ended up buying a chicken costume at Old Navy and it was SO FREAKING CUTE! What I loved about this Halloween was that the weather was decent enough for us to be outside. Too many times in Utah, Halloweens are cold and children are forced to wear big, puffy jackets over their costumes. What's the fun in that? It's like they all decided to be Eskimos for Halloween, hiding what cute and creative costumes they might have underneath.

These pictures were taken with our new digital SLR camera that we plan on using A LOT. We are going to take a photography class and learn all the tricks of photo editing in Photoshop. SO EXCITED!

On another note, I am really excited about many of the shows I have been DVRing. Person of Interest is DEFINITELY interesting and has become one of my favs. New Girl is so hilarious and John and I both get a kick out of it and Zooey Deschanel's quirky character. Revenge is shaping up to be pretty exciting, and Modern Family and Vampire Diaries are, as always, awesome. 

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