"The Joy of Living"

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Introducing Noelle and other random things

So baby #2 arrived on February 3rd and we couldn't be happier. She is truly THE BEST baby ever! The funny thing is that I made a deal with God while I was pregnant. I told Him that if I had a good baby, I might consider having a third. Well, he kept up his end of the bargain and it's almost like he wanted to make it obvious to remind me to keep up my end. She really is THAT good. She smiles, laughs, and coos almost on command. And she never cries and has slept through the night almost from day one. How does that happen?!

Her big sis is getting used to having her around and has come to realize that she's here to stay and not just a temporary toy to squish and squeeze. And she does both every day. Yesterday, we had to put her in timeout for knocking on Noelle's head. Noelle did answer, though. With a scream. But I can tell Siena loves her little sister. She's just like that cartoon giant who has a pet dog that he squishes to death because he loves it so much.

In other news, we had a great Memorial Day weekend. It just so happened that our 10th anniversary fell on the holiday this year and, thanks to Grandma, we got to have a night out alone. We saw Star Trek Into Darkness and ate at Biaggi's restaurant in the Gateway. Two words: lobster fettuccine. Biaggi's proved you truly can't go wrong with pasta, lobster, and cream sauce. The only let down was the dessert. The second I saw Nutella Skillet Cookie on the menu I knew I had to try it. Right? The waiter told me that it would take a little longer since it's fresh baked and asked me if that would be okay. Ummmm......YEAH! But I have to say it wasn't as good as I was expecting. It tasted like the cookie had been previously frozen or something and it made me miss my latest addiction, which was beckoning me as we passed a CPK on our way to the restaurant: CPK's butter cake.

There it is, in all its warm, gooey, buttery glory. I could almost picture a light from heaven beaming down on it, if I weren't convinced it's of the devil. Weight Watchers be damned! The hubs and I have been frequenting CPK every week for our Friday lunch date. And there is no way in hell I could leave that restaurant without having this cake. If you haven't tried it yet, you need to. Even if you go just for the cake and nothing else, it's totally worth it.

After the restaurant, the hubs and I went up to Park City, where we stayed at The Chateaux at Silver Lake in Deer Valley. It was amazing! Fireplace? Check. Huge jetted tub? Check. Comfy, cozy bed? Oh yeah, check. I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend!

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